isyarat semoga berhasil bahasa Inggris
- isyarat: beck; cue; gesture; high sign; hint; sign;
- semoga: may; greatly; hopefully
- semoga berhasil: good luck!
- berhasil: fall on feet; fare well; fared well; faring well;
- semoga berhasil!: good luck!
- bendera semoga berhasil: good luck flag
- berhasil: fall on feet; fare well; fared well; faring well; fell on feet; fruitful; gaining ground; get way; getting on; getting there; getting to first base; go through; got on; got one's way; got there; got
- berhasil -: fallen on feet; falling on feet
- isyarat: beck; cue; gesture; high sign; hint; sign; signal; siren; token; beacon; motion; marker; mark; item; discriminative stimulus; wafture; waving; indicator; clue; wave; marking; signaling
- semoga beruntung: all the best
- semoga bisa: hopefully
- semoga sukses: good luck
- semoga tidak: we hope not; may it not be that; lest
- semoga-moga: hopely; if only
- semoga tuhan mengasihani jiwamu: may god have mercy upon your soul